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Botox against sweating

6. March 2019
The smell of sweat and sweat stains are not pleasant...

Risks of a breast augmentation

6. March 2019
Undergoing breast surgery can change your life......

Testimonial lip treatment with hyaluron

23. January 2019
Well-shaped, full lips are considered not only in our latitudes......

What is baby Botox?

23. January 2019
The term "Baby Botox" comes - just like the general...

Lymphoma due to breast implants – bia-alcl?

15. January 2019
Undergoing breast surgery can change your life......

Cleavage lines

30. November 2018
Biologically, the aging process begins......

Hair removal by ipl laser

29. November 2018
For me, it was always clear that with my first...

Doctors and self-proclaimed experts

8. October 2018
Aesthetic medicine today faces the challenge......

Side effects of hyaluronic acid

8. October 2018
The desire to be comfortable in one's own skin.......