Liposuction (VASER® technology) or lifting (Renuvion®)
1-2 hours
3-4 (Scale 1-10)
5-7 days
After 2-3 months
From € 5,500 Initial consultation for new patients: € 70
Advance bank transfer, cash or bank transfer possible. Credit card only in selected cases.
Not only for women, but also for men, the breast is a typical problem zone. Rounded breasts, which are considered aesthetic for women, mean shame and a disturbance of self-confidence for many men.
The structure of a male breast is similar to that of the female breast. They are made up of glandular and fatty tissue and vary from person to person. It is not uncommon for men to have a large enlargement of the mammary gland due to hormonal imbalance during puberty.
A distinction must be made between “real” gynaecomastia, i.e. an increase in glandular tissue, and “false” gynaecomastia, also called pseudogynaecomastia, which mainly occurs due to fat deposits. In most cases, it is a combination of increased glandular tissue and excess fat or skin. We decide together which surgical technique to use after an initial consultation and a detailed analysis of the initial situation.
Like the female breast, the male breast consists of glandular and fatty tissue. In true gynaecomastia, there is an increase in glandular tissue. In “false” gynaecomastia, it is primarily an increase in fatty tissue.
Experience shows that men tend to shy away from a consultation more than women. But there is a solution for almost every problem. But once the ice has been broken, my male patients are also relieved and happy about their decision to have finally taken the step. In a comprehensive initial consultation, we clarify whether the patient’s wishes match the medical and technical possibilities – we must have a common goal.
Often the desired result can be achieved with a single liposuction. With VASER® liposuction, excess fat is suctioned out of one area and the patient’s own fat is used to shape the breast into a more masculine form. This procedure does not leave any large visible scars on the breast, but about 5mm small incisions on the areola and in the armpit. If gynaecomastia is present after significant weight loss, the excess skin and sunken nipple is corrected by a lift operation. The scar then runs around the areola and possibly perpendicular or across the breast fold. This can be pictured like an anchor. If there is only a small amount of excess skin, after suctioning, the excess skin can be tightened from the inside with the new technique Renuvion® – a cold plasma – without additional incisions.
The gynaecomastia procedure takes place in Vienna as a day clinic and under twilight sleep or a light anaesthetic. My claim: precision and safety during the operation. I have over 13 years of experience in breast surgery and body shaping and have performed over 1,000 procedures – including many in the area of gynaecomastia. The well-established surgical team is complemented by experienced anaesthetists who will safely look after you throughout the procedure. An overnight stay in the clinic is rarely necessary these days for medical reasons. Our patients are happy to stay overnight if the journey is long or if you simply want a night’s rest from everyday life.
You should take it easy for at least 7 days. You will be fit for social life after 5-7 days, and for work – depending on your profession – after 1-2 weeks. However, you should refrain from sporting activities for the first 6 weeks and allow yourself to rest. For the best result, a compression shirt will be fitted after the operation, which should be worn for 6 weeks. Proper scar care is very important and ensures an improved, beautiful skin appearance. If you are prone to increased scarring, we can treat this with laser and medical needling (cost € 90,- per session).
Our team and we doctors are always available for you should you have any questions. In case of emergency you can always reach us on our mobile number.
Dr. Rolf Bartsch: +43 69911222000
Further check-up appointments in our surgery are important in order to optimally accompany the healing process and will be arranged with you before the operation. After a successful operation and waiting for the healing process, you will have no pain and can do sports without any problems.
The suffering of men with gynaecomastia is often very high – similar to that of women with tubular breasts. The problem is usually that the nipple stands straight forward like in women and there is too much volume. With surgery, self-confidence can be increased and a new body image can be achieved.
You can reach us for an appointment for an initial consultation in several ways:
The ordination by phone: +4313535555
The ordination by mail: [email protected] or via the Contact form
Dr. Rolf Bartsch personally via Messenger: +4369911222000
We always say: “your gut feeling must be right”. Let your instinct be your guide. But there are also a few hard facts that can make a possible decision easier for you:
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